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How Trophies Can Improve Performance & Help People Find Direction

Trophies in the 21st century are a symbol of much more than winners and losers. In fact, modern trophies can represent a myriad of accomplishments that far exceed the simple concept of having triumphed over another individual, team, or group.

Rather, trophies serve to recognize contributions and convey gratitude to individuals who have earned it, regardless of whether or not such actions resulted in any sort of victory. This article outlines some of the positive outcomes of awarding trophies and a few situations you might not have considered where one might be beneficial.

Recognition Spurs Improved Performance

One of the most significant benefits of being awarded a trophy is the sense of recognition that you feel regarding your contributions. Very few things in life involve an actual competition where people, teams, or companies are trying to demonstrate their dominance over another, although it seems that historically these situations are the only ones that have involved trophies.

Conversely, nearly every aspect of your life includes some degree of trial, error, and improvement, whether it's your personal relationships, hobbies or career. It's in areas like these that tiny breakthroughs or seemingly miniscule improvements in one's personal endeavors really are deserving of trophies. In fact, it is well established that positive recognition for something can lead to improved performance.

And while trophies have traditionally been reserved for top-down distribution ( such as executives awarding them to employees, or teachers awarding them to students), there's no law that prohibits awarding trophies horizontally. Perhaps you see how your significant other has made strides in his latest novel, or how your wife is excelling in her fitness goals, and you want to show that you've noticed. Giving a trophy can not only make them feel better about themselves, but it can also serve to make them more proficient in the acknowledged activity.

Specific Awards Help People Find Direction

When someone earns a trophy for something that he or she is uniquely responsible for having achieved, it can promote a sense of identity, and it may even help him or her find personal or professional direction.

For instance, if a team member is given a trophy for his or her considerable individual contributions, it might help shed light on skills that he or she hadn't considered especially valuable, or important. While trophies are important for recognizing achievements in a number of different respects, they can also help recipients find direction or a sense of identity.

Ultimately, trophies serve to bolster self-confidence and improve performance across a wide range of skill sets, and they can also help people find direction in life, whether in their personal life, at work, or in any other endeavor. For more information on trophies, one company that you can contact is the Washington Trophy Center.
