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3 Apparel Mistakes When Cycling In Cold Weather

For some cyclists, cold weather can mean the end to your cycling season. Others, however, accept the challenge of cold weather and wet streets and keep cycling throughout the winter. If this is your first winter cycling in cold weather, you may overcompensate for the temperature by bundling up too much, which can make you uncomfortable. To keep a comfortable body temperature, avoid these three novice mistakes. 

Waterproof Layers 

With snow on the ground and slush in the streets, you may be tempted to put on a waterproof layer. Unfortunately, most waterproof layers not only keep water out of your suit, but they also hold sweat against your skin. If your sweat cannot evaporate, you will feel cold and clammy when you stop riding. Save the rain jacket and waterproof pants for when it is actually raining. Instead, opt for high-quality mud guards to avoid splashes from the street and a breathable windbreaker that will wick moisture away from your body. 

Too Many Layers 

If you are comfortable when you step out of your home, you are likely wearing too many layers. After you start pedaling, you will likely feel too hot. You may sweat more and when you stop you will feel chilled. To avoid this, you should feel cool when you step out of your home. The exceptions are your extremities. In cold weather, your body will try to keep your core temperature up. This can result in very cold hands throughout your entire ride, so starting with overly warm hands and feet is not a bad idea. 

Layers that are Difficult to Remove

Layers have two purposes. First, air is trapped between each layer of clothing, insulating you from the cold. This makes layers more effective at keeping you warm than a single thick piece of clothing. Second, layers are supposed to be easy to remove when you start cycling and get warm. Unfortunately, many beginners make the mistake of adding layers that they have to stop cycling and dismount to remove. Instead of adding pants and shirts, consider adding arm warmers and leg warmers that you can easily and quickly remove without losing the heat you have built up. 

A winter cycling wardrobe can keep you cycling year round. However, you have to know how to pair your pieces and what mistakes to avoid when dressing for inclement weather. This will keep you comfortable and dry while you are on your bike. For more information, contact a company like Sarasota Cyclery Inc.
