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Choosing Your First Electric Bike

Living in an oceanside community may offer many dining and shopping options, but if the places that you would like to visit encompass many miles, you may limit your outings. Investing in an electric bike will fulfill your mobility needs and may encourage you to spend your weekends outdoors.

The Motor, Battery, And Pedal Assist Function

Electric bikes come in a few different classes. The size of the motor, the expected battery life, and how the pedal assist function operates will dictate the class of a bike. A larger motor may shorten the life of a battery, but a bike that possesses one will also be easier to maneuver up steep inclines in comparison to a bike with a smaller motor.

There are also bikes that contain dual batteries, which may either be located externally, along the frame of a bike or within a built-in chamber that is fully concealed. Bike frames can vary in size, so testing out an electric bike is suggested so that you can pick a model that is comfortable and that will provide you with ample legroom.

If you don't exercise often and want each ride on your bike to be accommodating, choose a model that offers a pedal-assist feature that automatically activates when traveling at slow rates. As you get your momentum up and are moving along at one of the fastest speeds that your bike is programmed to travel, you can either leave the pedal-assist feature on or turn it off and rely upon your own pedaling efforts.

Some Accessories To Look Out For

An electric bike may come with limited accessories and you can customize your bike yourself by purchasing a speedometer, head and taillights, and a bike rack. Some bikes come fully decked out, however, and will include many comfort and style features.

A bike that comes with a lot of extra comfort and style aids will cost more than a basic electric model, but you will avoid needing to make additional purchases to acquire all of the items that will make each riding session pleasant. After purchasing a new bike, practice riding it in an unoccupied parking lot or along a bike lane that is on a road that is not congested.

Before going on your first shopping or dining trip, look up the names and the addresses of the places that you are going to be visiting and acquire details about how far you will need to travel on your bike. This information will aid you throughout your journey. 

Use this information to find an electric bike that works for you.
